Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lost in Translation?

So today, my results for the first term of my masters came out. As a certifiably competitive-geeky-academic-type (I don't necessarily want to be like this, and I know it's silly, but I always, always want the A), this meant lots of excitement and anticipation for me this morning. The first thing I did when I got to work was log in to check my marks, and sure enough, there they were...

It was only then that I realized I have absolutely no concept of the UK grading system. The numbers were meaningless. What a cruel irony for poor little me. An online search fixed the problem, but it also reaffirmed something that I have a tendency to forget these days: I'm not in Kansas (or, rather, California) anymore.

*Update 12/2: in a brilliant twist of irony, I managed to spell a number of words incorrectly in this post. Luckily I am not being graded on my spelling, but still, I am dutifully blushing...


Academic, Hopeful said...

I had the same "What the Hell?" moment when I saw my Masters exam results. I was crushed until someone kindly pointed out that they were all exceedingly high marks. Anyway, can I gently but not competitively point out that I think you have spelt competitive incorrectly? No biggie (you are a rockstar writer and I bow before you). It may be an American version??

Let me know how you go! And do have a fabulous time away. Tres envious. x

Miranda W. said...

Haha! My spelling is, as always, atrocious, but I seem to have chosen an especially good moment to let the world know this. Thanks for the spot! My resident spell-checker (otherwise known as Xander) missed that one.

I'm still having a hard time believing that the numbers I've seen translate into, you're doing extremely well! But getting there.

Hope to see you when we get back!
