Monday, December 10, 2007

A Simple Truth That Never Quite Sinks In...

I am done with my thesis! Yes--all done. 100 pages done.

I wish I could say that at the moment I finished, there was fanfare and champagne, but actually what I did was go for a run in the cold and come home and do some more work. Then I woke up this morning and slipped on some ice on the way to work and fell flat on my back (sounded like a sack of bricks...), took three wavering steps, slipped again, made it to the end of the road, fell again, got all the way to the train station and into Cambridge, then slid my way to the office building.

Moral? Writing a 100 page thesis on the use of narrative structure to convey political messages doesn't make you any more graceful. Like the time I turned four and thought I would just wake up and be able to draw a heart (this was a huge ambition of mine as a kid), and found out that actually, just because you're older, doesn't mean you don't still have to learn.

Turns out that's still true.


Unknown said...

Congratulations, M! Here is an imaginary glass of champagne, fanfare, and a hug. Can't wait to celebrate with you in person -- we can bake cookies and draw lopsided hearts. And the only ice we'll have to deal with is the accumulation in our desperately-in-need-of-defrosting fridge. (Hope you're not too bruised from that fall.)

Anonymous said...

It sure as hell CAN take 3 hours for a cab!! Around finals time! On a Friday, was it? Wellllll girrrrllll
Let me tell you about the rhythms, and how tricky it is to be working the 'down beat' but the rewards are many...
My latest example: Post Office four-forty five stampede. I know it's real, and it's REALLY REAL two weeks (and counting down) til why do i even try? Last two passes of the post office showed lines curling around block (by the way...this is NORMAL EVRYDAY in Britain, (not seasonal) mark my words). Hey they are marked.
ANd markedly wordY!
So: you needed a cab when everyone else did. You coudn't have known this. You're so young....
But it's pretty safe to say that as pressure builds in your personal sphere (getting onto planes on time, etc) it's building in everyone else's as well...
this is why there may be a mass colonization of the night time hours (what a drag it will be , I like it when cities sleep).
Anyhow, major kudos (KEW-doss for some reason is how they say it in Came Bridge/Oxford). Oh, wait . Skip the "major".
Guess I'll go look it up. I know it's not a plural, it's a Greek noun. Probably means "gold leaf" or somehting.
Ever, J_